All Moved In...

...and knitting again.

I am happy to report that moving couldn't have gone better. Out of the old apartment and into the truck in half an hour - two easy days on the road with clear weather - out of the truck and into the new apartment in half an hour. I'm mostly unpacked and soon I get to really start learning my way around Chicago. Once I get all my housekeys, that is - the hardware store didn't cut them all properly so it's a little hard to leave! (Well, I can leave just fine... getting back in is another story.)  Not that I want to leave, it's snowing outside, yuck.

I have a delightfully long list of things to knit before the New Year, including:
  • a sooper sekrit hat
  • at least 2, maybe 3 pair of socks
  • another Lace Ribbon Scarf
  • some more sooper sekrit sample knitting (hooray!)
  • Bits and pieces of an afghan
  • and the February Lady Sweater for yours truly.
It seems all I've been knitting is socks this year and I really want to get back to knitting larger pieces for myself. I have enough yarn laying around for four or five whole entire sweaters!

...but all I have to show you is socks. These made for some nice moving-van knitting (thankfully I had someone to split the driving with).

Komet Socks

This pattern is called Komet and it was written by the very ingenious Stephanie van der Linden for a German sock-knitting list. I am in love with the German patterns - they actually assume you know what you're doing, and have wonderful notes such as "substitute your favorite heel", which is great if you have a go-to heel that you know works for your feet. The yarn is Artyarns Ultramerino 4, and I am in love with it. It's round and squishy and has great definition. The colors were a little odd (the photo doesn't do it justice, bad light at night) but at least they're different than everything else out there.

In other news, happily I got to spend Thanksgiving with my family for the first time in ages. Since I've been back I've had lots of good company, good food, and a warm and happy place to live. So much to be thankful for!


Brian said…
Yay! Great to hear you're back in Chi-town and more easily able to hang out with and that the move was relatively smooth :)

I had the exact same problem you did with the keys when I moved into my first apartment (over in Tri-Taylor by UIC), and it was the exact type of weather as it is today! Ahhhh how cold weather will screw up the locksmith somehow XD

BTW, whereabouts in the city are you living? I have a lot of friends in the Humboldt Park/Wicker Park/Ukrainian Village area it seems, and was curious if you picked the same area as them.
Sarah said…
Glad everything went smoothly - you must have not had much stuff, or a lot of help to move in in 30 minutes! Good luck with the job search, and of course, the knitting to keep you warm in that cold city.

PS - on a previous comment my verification word was "gonad"
Sara said…
Im glad everything is going well!

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