
Tonight, I sat down to knit on a sock - it doesn't matter which one - only to discover that several inches back, I'd made a mistake serious enough to warrant ripping it out. I like my pairs of socks to match one another as precisely as possible, so out it went. Two steps forward, one step back, and suddenly I'm in a place where I can start moving forward again, more perfectly.

That is kind of how life is these days, both with knitting and, well, life. I think I've gotten myself somewhere only to stop, take a step back, and start again. Things aren't working out and I'm moving. In two weeks I'll be in another city, with other people. Closer to my family, closer to old friends for the holidays - but back to bad weather and, inevitably, unemployment. It's a gamble, but how can I not make the choice for happiness? For [astronomically] lower rent? For getting to see my parents and everyone else at Christmas?

So I'm packing. Chicago or bust!


Brian said…
Welcome back to the Land of Lincoln! :)
Natalie said…
I'm sorry things aren't working out, but yes: choosing happiness is the most important thing. And you'll finally be able to put all those knitted things to good use!
Tim said…
Welcome back to Chicago, but seriously, you're moving now? In case you forgot, the weather's not so great right now. ;) Are you moving to the actual city or a suburb?
reluctantMANGO said…
Awww, so sorry to hear things aren't going as planned, but good on you for taking charge and doing something about it! DH's bros are in Chicago, so I'll make sure to look you up when we visit next time :) Good luck with everything!
Sarah said…
Just make sure that you find a new place that has enough space for your yarn! Good luck with everything as you start your next adventure.
Sara said…
Good Luck with the move! It will be nice to be close to your family and friends! Do what makes you happy =)
Amanda said…
Life is all about the false starts, don't sweat it... things are going to work out...
and if not, there's always good pizza

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