
Na na na na na na naaa....


Yes, it's a real Katamari! I don't have any photos of stuff sticking to it, but with its magnets you can roll it through the junk drawer and pick up all kinds of stuff. And, you know, rebuild the universe.

I realized I never wrote about this, even though it was a Christmas gift. Sadly this is a dangerous object in our home - all those strong magnets are dangerous for our various electronics. So it sits in the windowsill, generally being awesome, but kind of lonely.

I made mine from Amy Shimel's Magnetic Katamari Pattern, with scraps of acrylic from my mom. And lots and lots of strong magnets and more stuffing than you think would fit into such a small ball. This is usually about as much crocheting as I can stand, so it was a good small project.


Brian said…
Naa naaaaaaaaaaa!

Sarah said…
Well I didn't know what that was and so I clicked on the link... but I guess I still don't know what it is. I think the last time I played a video game was c.1995. I'm out of touch...

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