Hello, Internet

Long time no see! Miss me? Yeah, that's what I thought. Not really.

But that's OK. I miss blogging, so I am going to try (in my copious spare time) to keep up with it again. Besides, why else am I paying for flickr pro?

Lots of people have commented that Ravelry is killing the knitting blogs, and that blogs really are a strange, one-sided form of communication. Yes, and yes. Who cares!

Anyway, I am doing the crazy thing where I am trying to knit 12 sweaters in 12 months. 12 sweaters in 2010. Thankfully vests count, or I'd be sunk.

Ms. Marigold

I just finished Ms. Marigold from Zephyr Style, out of Miss Babs Yowza in the color Timberline. Awesome top, with spectacular giant boob-framing detail! I normally hate vests but the deep V neck and the funky crocheted ruffles put me over the edge - and seeing Miss Babs' sample in real life really sealed the deal.

Ms. Marigold

Now to decide which sweater I'm going to finish by the end of February. I hope that sample knitting sweaters get to count, even though I won't be able to show them off.


Sarah said…
Well, good to see you! I like your vest - in fact, I have one just like it! I knit mine in alpaca though, not really realizing that a warm sleeveless top isn't good in any weather. I've been tempted to give up on the blog due to Ravelry, but I know that there are many non-knitters that read it as well (family mostly.)
Allison said…
What a great style (and colorway!) I've been looking at that pattern but I think that V might be a little too deep to wear to work, unless I have something seriously frumpy underneath it. Hmm.
I don't see a problem being on both blogger and Ravelry, but maybe that's because I mainly use Ravelry for pattern searching and I leave the more detailed commentary on projects for the blog. hmm.

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