Belated Hedgehog
I finished this a few days ago, but haven't had a chance to get on and get Blogger to upload all my photos. Essential Stages of Hedgehogness: Flat: Attacking: Friendly: The stats: Pattern: Fiber Trends Huggable Hedgehogs Yarn: Ella Rae Classic, Lion Brand Fun Fur, and scraps Needles: 10 1/2 & 11 circular For all the time it took me to finish this, it was mostly delayed by my running out of fun fur. I know, what a horror. This, in my opinion, is one of the only appropriate uses of fun fur, and it came out well. It's a quick project, and comes out cute. The instructions are lengthy but comprehensive and easy to understand, like most Fiber Trends patterns. Now... what to name him? Do I keep him? Give him away? Make another in a similarly obnoxious color? ... or just go back to my lace? Shetland Triangle, at 10 pattern repeats. I've only used about one third of my yarn (thanks to my nifty new kitchen scale, I can figure these things out). Question is, how many ...