Oh look, more socks

Seems like everything I start these days has to be torn out and begun again. For Ravelry's Sock Knitters Anonymous October Sockdown, I started some toe-up Honeybee Socks, which were cute...

Honeybee sock toe

... but impractical. Toe-up socks drive me crazy and I should know better by now than to try them. They never seem to fit me right in the instep and heel.

So now they've been ripped out and turned into something entirely different by the same designer, these Komet socks.


Much nicer!

I've also decided that the rib and cable sock I made was also no good...

Ugly ribbed heel...
Rib and Cable

Ugly wonky toe...
Rib and Cable

Disappointing everywhere...
Rib and Cable

I don't know what to do with these. Certainly I'll have to rip them out. But will I have to go so far as to overdye the yarn? I don't know if I want to go through that. Ugh.


Sarah said…
I like the Komet socks much better. I'm not such a huge fan of lacy socks since they sort of defeat the point of being warm and cozy. I don't think the rib and cable socks look bad - the toe just looks weird, and if they heel bothers you you could just rip back and re-knit from there. Or just rip the whole things - I agree with ripping things out if you don't like them. Otherwise it's just a waste of yarn.

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