Just in time for August

Knitting doesn't have to be seasonally appropriate. Right now I'm working on some handwarmers for the chilly walk down to campus in the wintertime, and for the permanently refrigerated library.

Every time I try to work in the library, I end up falling asleep because it's so darn cold in there. Even in the summer. They could keep the place dehumidified and somewhat warmer than 65 degrees, I swear.

Enter the handwarmer.


Nothing fancy, just some leftover Knit Picks Sock Garden from my Clapotis, in a 2x1 rib, but they're going to help keep me warm. And of course, there's nothing better than an instant gratification project.

handwarmer progress

I'll be done soon, but that's okay... after I came home it seemed as if my stash had grown in the closet. I think that's why my mom never ran out of yarn at home -- it was just like little bunnies in the closet. So I'm going to try and catch up with it. I have a backlog for 6 pairs of socks, 3 sweaters, a shawl, and a felted bag.... and that doesn't count the yarn that isn't earmarked for projects.

I have a new job, an internship, that is a basic 9-to-5 setup. Regular work hours, I've discovered, are fabulous for knitting. I don't bring work home with me, so when I'm home, all I have to do is cook dinner and I have the rest of the evening for me.

I'm so quitting academia for a regular job!


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