
Okay, so this is actually old, but let's pretend it's not! Because I have very little other content to offer you.

I finally mustered the nerve to crochet something marginally useful and pretty. Not that I can't crochet, but I don't have the pattern-reading fluency yet. And I can't make anything too complicated because I'm left-handed and if I'm not careful it all comes out backward. So I made the Mermaid Scarf, which is a free pattern from Interweave.

The stats:
5 1/2 balls of Laines du Nord Cashsilk
H hook
Lots of safety pins, but not too much time!

Once I got the hang of where to attach the motifs to each other, this thing was a breeze.


It comes out something like this.

I don't know what I did to the camera settings, I'm sorry.


Here it is laying in a lump.

Or you can roll it up, which makes for an interesting gifty package, if you need something gifty.


I didn't have enough space to wet-block it, because we were in the process of packing to move. But I was able to steam it out fairly well. Maybe if I had tougher little fingers I could have gotten it to be more open.

I love this little scarf, but I need something warmer these days. While we haven't had very cold weather here, I still like to bundle up.

Only five days 'til Christmas! I can't wait to see my family, especially the little kids when they get excited.


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