Today: Victorian Lace

So I have a short attention span. I decided to take a break from Serrano for a couple days and try out a new pattern from Victorian Lace Today

This is the very first lace scarf in the book, and it is very simple and easy to do. I'm looking forward to finishing the body and applying the edging.

I like the book, I don't mind the charts, and I think the photography is nice, although in my opinion the mohair blends were overused in the models. Anyhow, the one thing that I would have liked to see is a ratio of how much yarn is used in the borders compared to the body of the piece. I'm altering a pattern because I have a little less yarn than is called for, and I am having trouble determining where to leave off -- of course I want the scarf to be as long as possible, but I don't want to get almost to the end of the edging, run out of yarn, and then have to rip out all that work.

I think today I have to clean the bathroom and vacuum before I can knit more... better get the chores over with!


reluctantMANGO said…
Looking good! I, unfortunately, have to finish work before I can knit... but I do have a sock hidden in my work bag - don't tell the boss!
Dove Knits said…
Love that yarn

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