Rain, Rain, Go Away

Today is a very grey day chez Golden Iris. It's been raining or drizzly on and off for the past few days. I don't know about anyone else but weather like this makes me want to curl up under a blanket and snooze and do nothing, which isn't good for my day off! Every day off I get I make all these ambitious plans for cleaning the house, making food, shopping, knitting, gardening, you name it. Today? I've had a shower and a cup of coffee, but not much else.

But the rain indicates one thing - Spring has definitely sprung. The big oak tree outside my window is leafing out (yes, the Christmas lights in the tree are still lit):

Oak Leaves

And on the patio, my seeds are growing. My nasturtiums even sprouted!

Sample knitting has returned to my life. I've received some lovely Pear Tree Australian Merino in one of my favorite colors, seafoam green, for another hush-hush project. This stuff is absolutely luscious!

Pear Tree Merino

The hats I finished a little while ago have safely made it to their destination in California, and have been modeled in an impromptu (and hilarious) photo shoot on the designer's blog here. It's worth the click - have a look.


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