Spring Sprang Sprung

Spring is here in Virginia, which we've discovered means 48 hours of more or less continuous rain followed by minor flooding. Hooray!

We've been keeping busy, and between work, planting my garden, cooking, and cleaning, there hasn't been a lot of knitting time left over. I still have about 8 projects left on the needles, some of which would probably take only a few hours to finish. But I'm slow, and I want to start more projects instead of finishing the ones I have. Knitting samples up is also taking time away from my own knitting, but that's okay.

In any case, this is the only knitting I have to show lately:

Diagonal Rib Socks

These are still the Diagonal Rib socks. By now I've turned the heel and am decreasing in the gusset, but there is no way I'll finish these for the March Sockdown deadline of April 31. Oh well! They will still be lovely socks.

I am fascinated by the abundance of flowering things here. Spring seems so early, and so quickly followed by summer - everything is just leaping out of the ground as fast as it can go! I'm surprised to see dogwoods and lilacs and hydrangeas in the middle of April... they always were May flowers before I moved.

I've seen some lovely striped azaleas... sorry for the crappy camera phone photo:

Striped Azalea

And this tiny flower came from a small tree. Anybody know what it is?

Mystery tree

Back to the grind.

I've been doing a lot of cooking that I will be sharing here. I hope you're in the mood for lots of delicious photos coming your way in the future.


Sarah said…
Wow, I really like that yarn... especially the colors! I seem to have lost my sock-knitting mojo now that its flip-flop weather (we don't know what rain is here. Seriously... I think it might have rained last month... I don't remember.) Ideally, I'd make a bunch of socks during the summer to stock up... but we know it doesn't really work that way. Anyway, I'm rambling. At least you have pretty flowers to enjoy while its raining!
Anonymous said…
It's a hawthorn flower, some nice species:)

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