Apron Happiness


Let's start off by saying I don't sew often. Yes, I sewed my prom dresses and I've made a couple of quilts, but I don't think of myself as a sewer or a seamstress - or now apparently the word is "sewist" which, irritatingly, isn't a word but does solve the homograph problem with "sewer".

Linguistic complaints aside, I have been doing a little sewing. I decided it was time for a craft apron, because in a little less than two weeks, I'm headed to Sock Summit in Portland to join Miss Babs and her crew in a vendor booth. I'm excited!

Back when I worked at fibre space, craft aprons were part of our uniform. The lovely Kel (sorry Kel, I forgot and thought Becky had made the first ones because Becky does so much sewing! Oops!) made them for us out of funky Ikea fabric (yes, Ikea carries fabric!) and each one was different and fun. They're great to stash a calculator, measuring tape, notepad, pen, phone, or whatever else you need, keeping your hands free and setting you apart from customers. Check out the new aprons Becky has made for the yarnista crew here. She's a pro.

I asked Becky if she had a rough pattern for them, but she said it was just drawing and math. So I drafted my own measurements, measured twice, cut once, ironed a lot, and sewed the whole thing together. I don't spend a lot of time on my sewing, so it's never going to be the most precise thing you've ever seen... but it's surprisingly functional. The fabric I used is shown here and I got it because it was so obnoxiously bright and cheery.

Anybody reading headed to Sock Summit? Sound off in the comments, and drop by Miss Babs' booth - 822 and 824 - and say hi to me and my funky apron in person! You can't miss me!



this chickadee said…
yay veronica! this looks great. i'll take one in every color. have fun at the summit.

Unknown said…
If I was going, I'd definitely stop in and see you.
this chickadee said…
p.s. i can't take the credit for the first round of aprons. those were made by kel!

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