Beware the Clap

No, not really. Honestly, the Clapotis deserves a little more respect than that. I finished mine last night, so here are some photos and stats.

Yarn: Knitpicks Sock Garden in Hydrangea, not quite three balls.
Needles: US #3.
Time to complete: about a week and a half.
And what the heck is a clapotis?: Clapotis, n. m. invar., syn. clapotement, n. m. Bruit et mouvement de l'eau qui clapote. (And what the heck does clapote mean?) Clapoter, v. intr. Etre agité de petites vagues qui font un bruit caractéristique en s'entrechoquant. And for those of you that can't get through that mess of French, basically, it means 'lapping', as in the lapping of waves on the shore.

clapotis blocking

Here she is, blocking nicely.

clapotis on 2

And here is what it looks like when I wear it.

when the clap attacks

And finally, this is what happens when the clap attacks.
Just kidding!


Amanda said…
very funny, mouse!

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